Soccer Nutritiom For Stamina Players

Soccer Nutrition

It is of common knowledge that every soccer player should carry out a regular exercise regime and make sure that he is fit and that his energy levels are high. However, one cannot possibly follow this hectic schedule without proper soccer nutrition. Every soccer player should also incorporate a balanced diet into his daily life.


Proteins are said to be those nutrients that set the foundation for a healthy body and a strong bone structure. For soccer players, these aspects are extremely important because their game improves with muscle growth which is only possible if they consume the correct quantity of proteins on a daily basis. Animal products like milk, eggs and meat and vegetables like lettuce and Soya are loaded with proteins.


Just like a car needs fuel to run; a body needs carbohydrates to carry out basic functions. Since this nutrient is essential and your body uses it up every chance it gets, it becomes important to ensure that the body has an adequate reserve at any given time. Soccer players' use up this stock even faster which is why they should ensure that they consume whole grain breads, green and leafy vegetable and nuts.

3-Post Game and Pre Game Soccer Nutrition

There are a number of opinions and debates regarding what a soccer player should consume before and after a game. While information is available in abundance, one does not know what or who to trust. To put it briefly, a soccer player's performance depends on what he eats for 2 days before the game and the last meal he consumes on the day of the game. That being said, all his meals and the pre-game snack should be loaded with carbohydrates. Food products that have a low GI should also be consumed 3 hours before the game as they make sure that the body reaches its potential during the game. Post-game nutrition is very important as the body tends to get weak after a match which is why a carbohydrate-rich meal should be consumed about 2 hours after the game. In addition to that, the player should also eat food products that have a high GI and stay away from such commodities that have a high percentage of fiber.

4-Adequate Hydration

Dehydration is very common among soccer players because they do not know how to spot the symptoms which include severe chills, extreme thirst and skin flushing. Inadequate hydration can cause the body to become very weak and hamper the player's performance during a game. Apart from water, players should consume sports drinks before, during and after a game because these are high in glucose and carbohydrates. Keeping that in mind, a player should stay away from carbonated drinks like sodas and processed juices because they cause stomach aches and bring down energy levels. While milk should be consumed as a part of the player's daily diet, it should not be a part of hydration as it can cause an upset stomach.

Who has not admired the titans of soccer? What youth has not dreamed of becoming a superstar? Everything you ought to know about kids soccer can be found in this little community. Soccer Mastermind is a site dedicated to the world of Soccer.

by Thomas K

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